What is Stress?

Stress is any uncomfortable emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological, and behavioural changes. Today, stress is one of the most common mental health problems across the world.

In fact, research states that one in every five people experiences high levels of stress.


In the right quantity, stress can actually be good for us. When faced with challenges, or with important but unexciting tasks – for example, exams or work deadlines, a certain amount of stress can give us a much-needed boost of motivation that helps us see the task through. It’s when the stress crosses over to an extreme that we need to be careful, as this can result in a number of undesirable physical, emotional, and behavioural health-related consequences.


It’s important to note, that stress is entirely personal. What one person considers exciting or enjoyable, another person may consider highly stressful, and vice versa. What further complicates matters is that we aren’t always aware of what is causing stress within us – it could happen that an otherwise pleasant event, such as a wedding, a new baby in the family, or a new job, is responsible for increases in one’s stress levels.

Situations or life events that we typically find stressful are characterised as being:

  • Emotions during stress

    I feel anxious, tense, and unable to relax

    I feel mentally drained

    I feel irritable a lot of the time

    I often feel angry or frustrated

    I often blame myself for things going wrong

    I feel self-conscious

    I don’t like myself very much anymore

  • Thoughts during stress

    I worry about things I know I shouldn’t worry about

    I’m unable to concentrate on or complete tasks

    I find it difficult to relax my mind

    I feel easily confused

    I find It more difficult to make decisions than usual

    I get startled very easily

    I don’t feel motivated to do anything

    I feel like I don’t have control over anything

  • Behaviors during stress

    I avoid activities or places because I worry that I won’t be able to cope

    I find myself unable to sit peacefully

    I make more mistakes than before

    I find myself avoiding responsibility

    I drink/smoke more than I probably should

    I eat a lot more/a lot less than I did before

    I’ve become more tearful

    I find myself complaining a lot of the time

  • Bodily reactions during stress

    I feel drained of energy

    My heart rate has increased

    I’ve lost/put on a lot of weight

    I have frequent headaches

    My breathing pattern changes when I’m tense

    I find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep

    I’m experiencing frequent stomach problems

    My muscles feel weak and I experience trembling

  • Change in schools / work hours / working conditions

    Change in recreation / social activities

    Small mortgage or loan

    Change in sleeping /eating habits


  • Family arguments

    Big mortgage or loan

    Change in responsibilities at work

    Trouble with boss/ in-laws

    Change in living conditions / personal habits

  • Marital reconciliation

    Retirement /change of job

    Death/serious illness of family member or friend

    Pregnancy / new child in the family

    Sex difficulties

  • Death of spouse

    Divorce or marital separation

    Death of close family member

    Personal injury or illness


    Loss of job

    Moving house

The extent to which we find life events stressful differs from person to person. However, by and large, stressful life events can be categorised as follows:


Once you have identified that you are stressed, there are several ways of dealing with it. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a proven action-oriented approach for managing stress which talks about the strong relationship that exists between our thoughts, behaviours and our emotions. CBT emphasizes the importance of recognising unhelpful and often faulty ways of thinking that affect our feelings and behaviors, and then changing these thoughts, thereby reducing stress.

Are you experiencing difficulty dealing with stress?